Many children are afraid to get their hair cut because they think it might hurt. That word “cut” just turns some children into screaming, squirming maniacs in the salon chair. Is it a simple fear or a full blown phobia known as tonsurephobia?
According to Kendra Van Wagner - Psychosocial Therapist, some haircut phobias are due to a bad past experience. Perhaps the stylist nicked an ear or you just can’t stand the buzzing of the clippers. CLICK HERE to read the entire article.
At one point or another you are probably going to want your child to get a haircut of some sort. How do you make sure it is a pleasant experience? There is a lot of great advice to be had at baby
There’s also a cute book, “No Haircut” by James Grady, illustrated by Janet Grady. “Sprinkles First Haircut”
by J.C. Schwanda and illustrated by Dan Kanemoto is another good book for children to help ease their haircut fears.
Making sure your child is well rested, well fed, and distracted seems to be the common strategies used by many parents.
Do you have a strategy to help make your child’s haircuts more pleasant? Please leave me a comment. I’d love to hear from you!
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